"Tab+N" our new shortcut to create Sections

Cmd+P is print. I believe you mean Cmd+v for paste.

Good catch @EJ83 and thanks for letting me know, I’ve gone ahead and made the change in my last message :slight_smile:

@Marie looking forward to this change, even amidst the firestorm that’s come :slight_smile:

One thing I’m pretty confused by is that my Section Headings are able to have subtasks… which is somehow different than the Section having tasks below it… can you help me understand this?? This seems fairly confusing that this would be two different things… thanks!

Hi @Riley :wave:t3:

I would avoid using subtasks in your Sections to keep things as clear as possible! For context, sections used to be extremely similar to tasks in our backend, although we recently made some changes to make to Sections in order to facilitate Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa), Sections still support subtasks, just like tasks!

But I think this will only be the case until the project is migrated to the new section structure, right? So probably not something people should really do or get used to doing?

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Yes @Phil_Seeman, this was just for context, as I’m saying just above, this is not something I would recommend! :slight_smile:

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I absolutely love Asana, it’s literally made a huge difference in my life and career with the organization it gives me.

So, I don’t mind the new short-cut for making a section. But there is something else I’m confused about. I have a tag called “This Week”. Before, when I would click on the “This Week” tag, for each project, all of the sections appeared and were bolded, and underneath them were the tasks. So that way when I finished all the tasks for one section, the section would automatically disappear. Now, when I’m looking for everything tagged “This Week”, the sections aren’t bolded and bigger, to help me differentiate between them and their tasks, and it’s a big change. I hope this made sense.

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I also OFTEN convert a task into a section. Please bring back this ability.


I agree!!

Am I correct that I can no longer convert a task into a section? ie can’t type my title where I want in the list then make it a section? Tab+N just creates a new section at the END of the list.

If so - v irritating all the extra keys and clicks; switch hands to Keyboard; Tab+N, {pause while it thinks}, type in new section title at bottom of screen, Enter, switch hands to Mouse; click&Drag section to correct place in list.

The keyword in your summary is “simply” as in “until very recently you could create a section by SIMPLY adding a semi-colon” - please could you make Tab+N simply convert the current item into a section heading?


Just gave in and reluctantly tried Tab+N… it didn’t work. I tried again… nothing. So, out of curiosity, I tried colon. It created a section! I then typed out several sections rapidly with colons to see if I was dreaming or it was really working the way it used to. It works again! Asana has just restored my faith in simply the best managed product I have ever used. Thank you!!!

@Joshua_Uda that is very good new. I tried it, but unfortunately it didn’t work. @Marie, can you tell what is going on. Is the colon coming back? I really, really hope so!

Hi @Joshua_Uda and @Paul_Hoogeveen,

We’re rolling out this new shortcut gradually as we’re still working on improving it based on feedback we have already received. As it stands, the new shortcut is only available to 50% of our users, which explains why some users still have access to the semi colon shortcut. Hope this helps!

Hi Marie, thanks for these details and engagement on the updates! The changes are only partially working for me. In My Tasks, I split things into Upcoming and Later. I can create a section using the dropdown “Add Section” option in my Upcoming tasks, but this doesn’t work if I try it in the Later section. Not even if I create a section in Upcoming and drag it to Later—it just turns into a task in the latter. Any advice?

It helps if you are going to take advantage of the gradual rollout by adapting to the customer feedback. Feature toggle, please. Can I stay in the other 50 percent that has semi colon?


I think what drives me nuts the most about this whole change is the fact that it wasn’t communicated to us paying users. The only way I found out about this was by typing a colon, noticing it didn’t create a section, and having to Google around to see if it was a problem, only to find this post.

I’m sure you’ll say that it was posted on a company blog somewhere, but honestly I use Asana because I need a tool to quickly manage my tasks in my limited amount of time. I don’t know many people, myself included, who are actively seeking out product blogs to discover major product changes.

Heck, you can implement a feature to have a unicorn fly across the screen on task completion. Would it have been that hard to show a banner like you did to advertise the business plan for portfolios or to tell the user when they typed a colon, “Hey, we noticed you created a section the old way that’s being removed. Read more about this change.” I think not.


Also, I noticed that all of the sections I had under My Tasks are no longer sections. They are just tasks with a colon at the end. So now “Later” for me shows a clobbered mess of former sections and tasks. Not a fan of this change.


How does one “unsection” a Section now then? Previously I used to delete the colon, simple.

I cant do that now. I have a task I accidentally created as a Section and I cant change it. I have ongoing comments on there, I dont want to create a new task. When the customer emails in the original task is recreated anyway.

So I need to change section back to task.


Agreed. No love for paying customers here. We fork out over 30k annually for Asana, and we were about to up our license count to over 2000 users when this one thing put a stop to that momentum. It honestly wouldn’t bother me if this wasn’t ASANA, the single most user-friendly, intuitive, customer-responsive SaaS out there, throwing away the one thing they have going for them, simple and intuitive UX. What a tragedy.


Please make it optional: the “colon” shortcut was very useful