Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa)

+1 for the board and list view functionality. I would use it a ton.

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I just had a board switch to list view and I can’t figure out how I did this or how to undo this… According to this thread, this shouldn’t be possible… Please help!

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Hi folks - I’m following up here to close the loop.

We hear you on your desire to be able to switch between List view and Board view in your projects. This is something that we’ve passed along to our product planning team and have prioritized in our review of customer feedback. As we strategize what we’ll work on in the coming months, this is on our list. In terms of timing, we don’t have a firm answer on when it’ll be available. As soon as we have an update on timing and our plans, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Given that this feedback is being seriously considered by the product team, and this thread has been around for over 6 months, this thread is now being closed in order to help keep our Community healthy and organized. We are aware of your feedback and interest here, and we are genuinely considering it in our product planning. We appreciate your feedback and thank you for your patience!


I would love to view my Projects in LISTs and on KANBAN Board just by switching a Project view.

I do think, that SECTIONS in LIST View ties directly with the COLUMN on KANBAN Board

Just a thought that would be useful for users in asana.


I would love to view my Projects in LISTs and on KANBAN Board just by switching a Project view.

I do think, that SECTIONS in LIST View ties directly with the COLUMN on KANBAN Board

Just a thought that would be useful for users in asana.


This is a good idea and Asana is already thinking about it, see the following link:

I want it too. Would be great to switch


I am merging this thread with Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa) then!


It could be realy useful to have such feature as switching between board and list view. We hope Asana will do it


For collaborators of this thread, @Bastien_Siebman is evaluating whether to develop an external solution to this request, and you can contribute to the discussion about this here: Switch between board and list with an external solution?


Hi all,

I just wanted to check if there has been any update regarding the board view to list view swap function that was subject to a Topic last year. Did anything come of the feedback? Is there any update regarding this as a possible future feature?

Best wishes,


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No news, but I started a thread about it: Switch between board and list with an external solution?

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Hey guys, just merging this thread with Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa) - #152 by Kaitie to avoid duplicates!


Is there a way to convert “lists” into “columns”?

Not yet. Have a look at Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa) - #153 by Jacob_Mitchell for discussion and Switch between board and list with an external solution? for alternative.

Delegate tasks to a virtual assistant in Asana :computer:

Hey Sam,

That option is not available (yet), but this video has a few workarounds that may help


When in a project, how do I switch (or toggle) from board layout to list layout? There are times when I want to view the project in board layout and other times when I want to see the project in list layout. I hope I’m not just stuck with one or the other.

Thanks for any tips you may have for toggling between the layouts.

Hello Bryan,

It’s not possible to swith at the moment.

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Take a look at this forum thread for some alternative solutions.

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