Subtasks sort order

I have imported several tasks via CSV and placed them as a subtask in a project. When I view the main task, the subtasks appear all over the place in no specific order. I have tried appending a 1-, 2-, 3-, etc. to the beginning of the task name thinking that would help, but it doesn’t seem to. Any suggestions? If these need to be executed in a certain order, I know I could add dependencies to each of them, but I really just want them to appear in an order I specify.


Hi @Dylan_Tungate , welcome to the forum :wave:

Strange, I haven’t come across this issue before. I assume that the order of your subtasks in your CSV is as you intend them to appear in Asana?

Hi @Richard_Sather! That would be my intent - or to put some sort of row number on them for Asana to take and sort. However I need to do it to make it work is fine with me.

I always thought the subtasks order was respected (as @Richard_Sather mentioned), just as the tasks order is.

Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.



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Thanks @lpb! I just tried on Edge and Chrome (after running an update) and they imported just fine in the right order!


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