Subtask Sections (aka Subsections) - The Hidden Story

I’m so excited to discover this functionality! I think at the moment, all of my subtask-generating automations add the subtasks sequentially into the list. Do you know: when adding subtasks to a Task via an automation, is it possible to add the automatically added subtasks to an existing subtask section?

Example of the steps I’d like it to do:
Task 1 sits in an ‘Email’ project and an ‘Issue’ project.
1 Email>Section 1>Automation adds 3 subtasks with subtask section header “Email Campaign”
2 Issue>Section 1>Automation adds 1 subtask with subtask section header “Issue Updates”
3 Email>Section 2>Automation adds 2 subtasks to the subtask section “Email Campaign”

Hopefully, that’s descriptive enough to make sense? Here’s a screenshot of what it might look like before hitting step 3 above, with an arrow of where I’d want to program the two new subtasks to appear.



Sorry, @Kristen_Corl, I don’t believe you’ll be able to do this. You can only set the order among a batch of subsections/subtasks you specify to be added as a unit together.

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This would be incredibly useful!

A completely useless glitch I’ve discovered:
Subsections are actually subtasks, and can be assigned, plus all the regular subtasks capabilities.

This is how you can retrieve the link and access the subsection:
(select and copy/paste the subsection with a subtask)
chrome-capture-2024-6-25 (3)

(We never know if that can get handy :grin:)


Interesting find, @Arthur_BEGOU!

I knew they were just subtasks (“Subtask Separators” actually) but your trick is new to me and I’ll await the exciting day when one of us comes up with a use for this hack!!

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Has the subtask sections feature been removed? I tried “Tab” + N today in a subtask area, and it would only allow me to create a new section outside my task. I’m going to be really sad if this feature was removed, I was really looking forward to it…

I was able to create a subtask section just now so long as my cursor was in an existing subtask within the task detail pane.

If my cursor was in the Description area, it created a regular Section. (This used to create a subtask section.)

In the past few months there have been reports of intermittent bugs where even if the cursor was in the subtasks area it created a section mistakenly–just sometimes.

I’ve not heard about the potential change above, nor a potential bug fix.



Hi Larry,

Thanks for the confirmation! I definitely have a bug on my side.

After some trial and error, I finally got it to work by:

  1. Creating a new subtask
  2. Hitting “Tab” + N
  3. (This would create a “shadow” subtask and a new section area)
  4. Going back into the subtask and putting my cursor on the “shadow” (blank) subtask
  5. Then hitting “Tab” + N again

Once I created the first subtask section, I didn’t have to repeat the process over to create more subtask sections. After that it worked like normal.

Posting so others can see that there is a bug, and how I got it to work. Thanks!

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Great, @AlexisH; thanks for posting.

I thought there was another topic covering this bug but I failed to find it after several minutes of searching.

Perhaps you want to report to Support; if so, use this temporary procedure:



This isn’t working for me unfortunately :frowning: I hope they fix the bug soon as I use this feature every day.

Hey @lpb :wave:

Today, something looks very wrong with subsections.
I can’t create anymore… They are now just tasks called “New section”
Same in all my environments, and same with the browser or the app.

I hope this is just a bug ‎‎‎‏‏‎ :upside_down_face:
I hope Asana is not killing that awesome “hidden” feature (because, I think, a lot of people would be disappointed…)

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can confirm this. it is not working anymore! :scream::scream_cat: I already doubted myself


Everyone, see this topic for update; a fix is currently being worked on:



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Works again for me in our asana environment :yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:

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Great! I just updated the other related thread mentioning your post. Thanks!

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Works for me too, what a relief :grin:

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My subtasks are created but they are not underlined? I’d like them to be. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Welcome, @Nicole_Pieper,

In an early visual design, Asana used an underline to display Subtask Sections but no longer does. I’m afraid you can’t configure this.

