Struggling with the point of Today/upcoming/later

I struggle with the point of Today / Upcoming / Later. In theory these are kind of useful to get tasks whick don’t need to be looked at for a while out of sight, but a couple of things seem to be missing here to make them useful.

Why, when I change the due date for a task in Today to a date next month, does the task not move to later ?

Similarly, Why when changing the due date for a task in Later or Ypcomin to today;s date, does it not move to Today??!!

It seems like it only does half the job.


Hi @Justin_Beardsell, I’d recommend checking out this guide article dedicated to the Today/Upcoming/Later feature: How to Get Started With Asana My Tasks | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide. If you have any specific follow-up questions, please let us know, we’ll be more than happy to help!

I’d love a “snooze” feature in the my tasks list. Then I can decide to see it again tomorrow or next week but still keep the original due date.
I have take with old due dates but need to keep them that way so am scrolling down the list just to get to current tasks

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In our organization we advise folks to not use those designations as they cause tasks lists to move around based only on dates which was frustrating to folks. Instead people manually manage their task lists with DIY sections in the “Recently assigned” bucket.

I encourage our team to sort by due date and save that as the default view.

HI Justin That’s a very good point. It’s especially so when you have a load of task that have go out of order. If they would just move when you change the date as appropriate it would be much quicker