Sort project list alphabetically within a Team

Years later and still cannot simply sort or even just display the projects alphabetically.


Why not just create a Project of Projects and star it ? :woman_shrugging:t3:
Each task is Project name, column is project, could even add column for link to project if you donā€™t like double-clicking on project mention in task ?

I love Asana but we are planning on growth and the fact you canā€™t sort projects alphabetically makes it difficult to manage. Trello has the feature and itā€™s cheaper. Does anyone know the drawbacks of migrating to Trello?


A sort by name or by date added would be great! Just boosting that we still would like this feature.


100% agree!!

The Timeline view under Portfolios is one of the most crucial elements of our weekly planning. We utilizes this constantly to see what milestones are upcoming and which are in danger of being offtrack. But the inability to alphabetically sort our projects in the far left column by their name is beyond frustrating! We waste so much time scrolling up and down trying to find projects.

For such a great organizational app and program, this is a HUGE miss to not have this simple feature. Please consider adding soon. Especially, for those of us with 30+ projects to keep track of within your system.



I have loved working on asana immensely, but this is driving me crazy.

I have over 50 clients, all of which started at various times. Itā€™s so time consuming having to sift through an unorganized list trying to find the right one. There NEEDS to be a sort feature. Iā€™m not sure why there isnā€™t already, it seems like a pretty easy feature to add but I could be wrong.

Please make this a feature asap. Your customers will be very happy about it.



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I searched this topic hoping to find a hidden nugget of gold, expecting that I had missed something so basic. Instead all I find is 4 years of pleading by numerous customers to fill a basic need, and the recurrent statement that ASANA has no immediate plans to provide the feature. How about long term plans??? It is absurd that ASANA has not addressed this yet. After a year of two of us working daily with ASANA, and noticing multiple basic shortcomings such as sorting, I am ready to pull the plug on ASANA rather than roll this out to the entire department. Your users donā€™t expect perfection, but we do expect a degree of responsiveness, and this isnā€™t it.


Iā€™m trialling the free version of Asana with a couple of colleagues, and was planning on upgrading to a paid plan and rolling out to our full team over the remainder of this year. But as my list of projects in Asana has grown, so has my frustration with not being able to sort the projects alphabetically. If there is no desire or will within Asana (as from the responses to this thread, there simply does not seem to be) to implement what seems like the most basic of features, after 4 years of requests, we will probably pull the plug on our trial and go with a different company.

We are a small not-for-profit (though sadly because we are not a registered charity, even though we only work for registered charities and must reinvest our surplus in future services for those charities, we donā€™t meet Asanaā€™s requirements for a non-profit discount), with a small team and we cannot afford the time for the team to learn one system, input all their projects info and have us decide later to move to a different system, so we need to make this decision really soon. If I knew Asana had some kind of plan and timeline to implement this, that would mean we could go ahead with Asana, but (astoundingly) there does not seem to be any kind of plan, even after 4 years. Can you update us about a plan or timeline @Emily_Roman @Andrea_Mayer ANYBODY???

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Would love this ASAP

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1 week and no response whatsoever from the Community Manager or anyone else at ASANA., but there have been 2 more similar concerns.

Everyone that is monitoring this post (except of course the ones who have already given up and dumped ASANA) please post your concerns ASAP. Lets blow this conversation up, maybe someone will notice and respond.

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To be honest itā€™s one of those things which really frustrates me about Asana. Itā€™s a brilliant product but sometimes they miss the wood for the trees. I canā€™t believe that something as basic as this has not yet been implemented.

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omg is this really not a thing yet? original request was in 2018! cā€™mon asana

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Day 16 (plus everyone elseā€™s 4 years of course) and counting.

Status: No response from ASANA.
Progress: None from ASANA; I made it a Goal with a Sub-Goalā€¦ maybe that will help

Donā€™t give up Communityā€¦ letā€™s light up the Forum so they cannot ignore this item any longer.

Ohā€¦ regarding the community guidelines, I certainly donā€™t want to be labeled a cyber bullyā€¦

1) Be Kind to your fellow community members. I am being kind, Iā€™m helping the user community get something they have needed for over 4 years, while at the same time reminding the ASANA community of a task that has apparently been accidentally deleted or marked complete, because surely there is no way they donā€™t understand this is important to their paying customers.

2) Does your reply really improve the conversation? Sure it does, Iā€™m pumping life saving adrenalin into a corpse that the community has been doing CRP on for 4 years.

3) Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas, not people. Iā€™m simply focusing on the idea that ASANA thinks this feature is unimportant; the are WRONG.

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4 Years 70 Days and countingā€¦

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Agree completely. Every time we move a project from one team to another, I have no idea where the project goes in the new list, so I have to manually find it in the list (of over 80 projects), and manually drag it to the right alphabetical location. I wholeheartedly support an alpha list option!!!

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Thank you Mandy.

I truly believe that ASANA management & staff must not use their own software to conduct their projects or they would have fixed this years ago.

Iā€™m fairly new to Asana but in trying to create a functional master projects overview timeline for our team I can see the importance of this simple function. Adding my support for this also!

Bridge24 for Asana now offers a Project List Panel where you can see all your projects in alphabetical order. Once the panel is open, simply click any project to open it in Asana directly. Works great when you have 100+ projects and want to locate a specific one. See your assigned projects in a comprehensive grid, allowing you to filter, sort, group, and export them to Excel.

I downloaded Asana yesterday and this is the first thing Iā€™ve come across that seemed completely necessary.

I havenā€™t used the program much but for it to come up in the first hour of use to me means it is fundamental.

For some reason my projects wonā€™t drag and drop-- but I do need them to filter alphabetically under the portfolio they exist within. It does me no good to have them sorted by how recently I used them-- that just changes where they are on a constant basis. How am I supposed to find them?

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