Smarter At-mentioning tasks, highlight/indicate tasks in current project in dropdown

When At-mentioning a task, you get a dropdown list with likely candidates.

Using project templates, you get a list of tasks that have the same name, and no real way to tell them apart.

It would be really nice if we could differentiate between those tasks, most notably get some indication as to which of these tasks lives in the project you are currently working in. (When writing a status update for instance)

I get this might be harder to implement when mentioning them in multi-homed tasks. But perhaps the selection dropdown after you start typing the task name could somehow highlight/indicate the task(s) living in at least one of the projects the task you’re mentioning it in lives.

Chances of this occuring seems low as this mainly occurs with templated projects, for which it’s not that common to cross reference to tasks not in that particular project.

I know the workaround is to use a custom ID field for this purpose, but I still feel it’s odd having having to search to find the task (or Task-ID) that is in the project you’re doing a status update for.