Hi all,
It appears that Asana API doesn’t allow to access tasks that are BOTH in a specific project AND assigned to a specific person. So cannot filter by both these categories at the same time (assignee and project). Is that right?
This is very annoying when it comes to integrations. Two examples:
I want to integrate Asana with Todoist using zapier. I would like tasks that are assigned to me in a specific Asana project to be added to a corresponding project in my personal Todoist. This is impossible - I can either add all tasks in a given Asana project, regardless of who they’re assigned to, or I can add all Asana tasks assigned to me, regardless of which project they belong to.
When using Hourstack with Asana, when I want to access my Asana tasks, I can either filter by assignee (in which case I will only see my tasks, but across all projects), or I can filter by project (in which case I will see only tasks in a given project, but including those assigned to other people). Again, I can’t filter by both these things at the same time.
Does anyone have any solutions here? As it stands, I think this is a huge limitation.