Show/Hide Activity Feed

This isn’t an ideal solution but it works:

  1. Download the Amino Chrome Extension.
  2. Make sure you have your Asana window active, right click anywhere on the screen and select Amino from the available options.
  3. At the top of the window that appears, be sure you have Domain selected and not page (that way your changes will apply to all of your Asana projects; otherwise, select Page if you want it to apply to only one project.
  4. Add the following to the Domain Level CSS
      .FeedMiniStory.TaskStoryFeed-miniStory {
         display: none;
  5. That’s it! Now you’re done. Your “mini-activities” will be hidden but your main activity changes will still exist (you can hide those as well if you want to find their CSS selectors). Your comments will also still be visible.

Again, I know this isn’t an ideal solution but given how inflexible the Asana platform is for its user base I gave up and started making my own changes where I could. Hopefully they’ll get around to giving us options one day.


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