Set effort and add to ALL Projects in Portfolio

I am trying to add the effort/field “Estimated Time” to all Projects in a Portfolio and it does not work even though I have the option to.

If this feature is only available to Enterprise users, why would it be in option for Business users?

I will check a specific project within that Portfolio and I do not see the column added. I also get a confirmation pop up after I hit “Add effort”

Screenshot 2024-02-21 112920

But then again, it does not work…

Not sure how to edit my original post, and I know the Portfolio name in the first screenshot is different from the Portfolio name in the confirmation screenshot. Regardless, I am unable to add the column “Estimated Time” into projects in any portfolio…it seems I can only do it for Projects I own? Then why would it be an option to do it for any projects?


Welcome, @Teresa_Wang,

I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think you need to be an Owner of the projects, but you do need to Project Admin access to a project to have this work.

It doesn’t explicitly say it, but I think the checkbox is really, "Add <field> to all projects you have access to

