Section "Marked for today" appears sometimes in "Due date" view

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
A “Marked for Today” section appears in the “Due date” MyTasks view, and the way you create a new task make it appear or not …

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In MyTasks, you select the “Due date” view (with no task panel opened on the right of the list)
  2. You add a task by clicking on the blue button
  3. A “Marked for Today” section appears.

But, if you click on a task first, and then repeat the above steps, then the section doesn’t appear. Same if you press enter, the section won’t appear.

Browser version:
Google Chrome Version 85.0.4183.102

Upload screenshots below:

Hi @Julien_RENAUD, thanks for your report!

My hunch is that when you are sorting your My Tasks by Due Date, all new tasks without a due date need to be created in one section, for example, Later or Marked for Today because when you first create a task, it doesn’t have a due date.

I’ve escalated this to our development team to confirm whether this is working as expected or not. I’ll keep you posted!

Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

Hi @Julien_RENAUD, just a quick update to let you know this issue will be solved with the new update on My Tasks: Meet your new My Tasks :slight_smile: We’ll let you know once the option is available to all customers so you can test it and see if it’s working!

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