My Task Sections Not Working Properly

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I have a “No Due Date” section and no other sections visible in My Tasks.

BUT, if I want to create rules I have the option for “Do today”, “Do next week”, “Do later”, “Upcoming”, and “Complete”.

If I create sections they automatically get moved as subsections beneath “No Due Date” with no option to move them to be actual sections.

Steps to reproduce:
Just go to My Tasks in the App. It’s all broken from there.

Browser version:
Using the App, not the browser.

Upload screenshots below:

Welcome, @anon42398731,

I think you need to remove the due date sort that’s currently in effect. In the top right corner of your screenshot, the Sort menu should be set to “None.” I don’t believe this is a bug.

Hope that helps,


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Yeah, that solved it.

Didn’t think that the date sort would override the sections.

Thanks for letting me know.

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