Search Archived Projects

Need this!

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Hi Colin,

Note sure if you have received an update yet but its really important topic and @asana should help us.

Anything from asana???

Very odd why one can’t search archived projects. I’ve used Gmail for the past decade because I can quickly search and field relevant emails and assets from years ago in seconds. Having the ability to archive is great for items you will rarely access but when you do need it, you need right away, and you may not remember where the information was stored. I’d be fine if by default archived results where excluded unless you add is:archived or some other search operator so not to muddle the results, or to show active results first with archive results showing in gray below or at least showing if not active results show. Lots of ways of doing this. I’m assuming this is a big requirement for most, and assume the work around people are using is to not archive a project but rather move projects into an active team called Archive, but less ideal since projects may have the same name between team/clients.

bump* would be really nice to have this feature.

Will Asana ever acknowledge this. This is such a ridiculous part of the process to have to scroll through every project to find this.

I guess I am not alone. I have twitted Asana about this months ago and still nothing. This is becoming a big problem for my agency. We store important information on every project description and from time to time we need to access those archived projects when those clients need support.

I am not sure if any of you have noticed, archived projects do show up when you search for them on the iOS app. So it looks like this may be in the works :). The infrastructure seems to be there Asana just need to enable it for the Desktop app too.

Same boat here.

Couldn’t find a project in the quick search that I expected to be there.
Colleague archived the project.

All that needs to be done is add an option in the Advanced Search for:
:ballot_box_with_check: - Search Archived Projects

Done. That would have been the sanity check I needed to locate the project quickly after failing to find it.
The suggestion to “search tasks” is not suitable as I do not remember random tasks in a random project. I do however remember the project name which usually has a unique identifier to a customer or project ID.

Ditto. We also have many projects. I archive 4-6 weeks after completion. If there are changes to the deliverable or if we have a similar project for same client and need to refer to old requirements, digging through the sidebar archive list is the only way to find what we need.

[Why does Asana not at least acknowledge this thread. How many likes or replies must it get. Or, how many forum searches must match the topic.]

Hey Asana Team.

I run a web design company, we are building up a huge store of archived projects.

I understand there was a decision made to make archived projects unsearchable, however this is extremely inefficient. If we ever need to go back and check on something from an arriched project, its extremely tedious to search for it manually by scrolling the the sidebar.

Is there no way to make a archive search function that only searches archived projects?

Asana team, are there any updates on this archived projects feature? It’s been years since we have requested this feature, and how many years will it take to implement??? The new list view is great and all but this is a core feature in most software tools. I can search for archived projects on the iOS app and i do remember seeing rolled out on desktop as well few weeks ago, so why remove it?

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Hi, any updates on this? This is a huge priority for my team.

We switched to Premium a few months ago and started using Projects properly (before that, our projects were technically at ‘task’ level). We now include a code in the project title so that they are easily searchable by year and client, and they are also color coded by client. Now we are starting to complete and archive some of these projects, and I’m discovering that I can’t easily pull them up. We have so many projects that happen annually, and I need to refer to the past year’s project.

Also, I noticed something strange just now. When I search for an archived project, at first there is no result. But if I find the project manually, then type in the search bar, it does show up in search results, with an ‘archived’ symbol next to the title. Even after I refresh, use a different tab, etc. Something about visiting the project made it ‘active’ in search results. So if it’s already possible, shouldn’t this just be the default? This seems like a bug.

Searching tasks isn’t a solution because our tasks have generic names like “R2 feedback.” They do not contain project identifiers.

Thanks for reading.

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Hi everybody!

I’m closing this thread since is now possible to search for Archived Projects :slight_smile:
Our Guide hasn’t been modified just yet but it should be updated soon. In the meantime, should you have any follow-up question, don’t hesitate to ping me and I’ll be more than happy to assist you further!

Have a great week! :wave: