Need Search To Include Archived Projects

I run a rod and reel repair shop. I name projects according to my client’s names. When I’m done with a repair and the customer picks it up, I archived the project. However, there are many times I need to go back and pull up the previous client’s project. Typing in their name does not search the archived projects. This would be very helpful to me. Can you expand Search on upcoming releases to include archived projects?

Hi @Reggie_Byrum, it is now possible to Search for Archive Projects: Search Archived Projects - #33

If you still can’t search your archived project, can you please share screenshots showing:

  • Your Project is archived
  • Your Search criteria + results

Looking forward to your reply!

Hi Marie,

I am also having problems with searching for archived projects. But now I see it! … Now I don’t! … What is going on? On the sidebar I can see the full list of all projects, active and archived. I type the name of a project exactly as shown on the side bar hit enter and the search result is empty. I open the archived project. Go back to the search text field start typing, just start typing, and a drop down list appears with the project listed. I didn’t even have to type the full name and it appears in drop down, but if I hit the enter button it still does not show on the screen. I will try to past a screen shot. You can see the project on the left but nothing came up in the search.

Thanks for your guidance. Steve

Hi @Marie , I’m still not seeing archived projects show up in search results. I seem to remember it worked for at least a day, when the feature was added, but since then it hasn’t been working. Any way to fix this/force it to update? Here are screenshots:

1. Before opening the project – it doesn’t show up in search results:
Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 4.48.50 PM

2. I open the archive list and manually find the project, to show that it’s archived:

Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 4.49.07 PM

3. After being on the project page, it is searchable for a short time:
Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 4.49.19 PM

Thanks in advance!