Say goodbye to sticky notes in 2023 after Asana's latest desktop update! 🥳

Say goodbye to sticky notes and hello to Asana instant tasks or reminders that pop up right in your taskbar as a desktop app feature, named Priorities.

With this new feature, you can easily create and manage tasks without ever having to leave your current workspace. Whether you’re working on a project, attending a meeting, or simply checking your email, Asana’s instant tasks and reminders will ensure that you never forget an important task again.

The interface is simple and user-friendly, making it easy for you to stay on top of your to-do list, no matter how busy you are. You can access it via the Taskbar.

I am in just love with this latest update, instant tasks and reminders pop-up feature is a game-changer for anyone who wants to be more organized and efficient.

Thanks to the AWESOME product team who keeps improving and adding the features!!

Your thoughts? And did you experience it lately?

Here’s what it looks like:


Can you share a screenshot of the feature? I am confused, not sure what that is :slight_smile: thanks

Hey @Bastien_Siebman I assume he means the Operating System Menubar

Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-01 um 08.48.45

:thinking: on which screen are you? the homepage?


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Hi @Bastien_Siebman,
No, you don’t have to open the desktop app. Just check the app icon at the bottom of your screen or taskbar, known as background applications. The black colored Asana, just like my screenshot. There you click on it and it will pop up as your sticky note. Hope it helps

Oh thanks got it! That’s a Windows thing :sweat_smile:

@Bastien_Siebman It’s not a Windows thing. My Screenshot from above was from the MacOS Taskbar (Asana Icon in the top right corner)

:man_facepalming: I neve realised this was a thing :scream: thanks :sweat_smile:

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:man_shrugging: i never use it…

How do I open it on MAC OS


Hi @President_Lilly, welcome to our Community Forum! To clarify, it’s a tiny Asana icon located at the top or bottom bar of your screen, depending on the operating system you use. You can find more information here.