Run Rules on existing tasks not just new tasks

Hi, I have created a rule to put all my completed tasks in a specific section however I wanted to be able to run this rule on the already existing tasks not just the new ones


Hi @anon87254143 and welcome to the Asana Community Forum!

As it stands rules can only apply to newly created tasks. As a workaround, you can sort your tasks by completed tasks and use our multi-select feature to drag and drop this tasks to the specific section. Once this is done, you can set up a Rule for all new tasks.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

Is this on the product roadmap? It’s a very basic and necessary function.


Hi @anon50280673, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! As it’s stands, Rules currently run fo actions taken on new tasks but not existing tasks. We don’t have plans to implement this feature in the near future but we will make sure to announce updates in the Forum if we plan to add it!