Rule to automatically multihome design tasks

Goal: I work in a marketing department, and I want my design team to be able to view all tasks currently assigned to anyone on their team.

Our setup: We have a project with a creative brief form that we use to intake all of our projects. The project manager completes the form, which creates a task in the project, and then converts the task to a new project using one of our standard templates.

Question 1: Can I create a global rule for our team that would create this view for design? Or does it have to be done on a per-project basis? I’m assuming the rule on this marketing intake project would only apply there, and not to the projects that get created when a task is converted.

Question 2: Is there a better way to create this design view? Maybe my approach isn’t ideal.

Hello @Sarah_Savarese

Very good implementation of asana from intake to work management.

Question 1: Rules are project based and not global base. You can read more about them here:

Question 2: I think your approach is good. My question to you is: are there any issues your current set up is giving you that you would like to resolve? What you have described is a good workflow and asana helps you automate a lot of these steps. I assume you are using rules for it too.

PS - I am not sure what tier you are on, but with enterprise you can access bundles which make it easy to apply rule for multple projects. You can check it out here


Thanks for the quick reply! I’m very much learning a lot, quickly, right now. We do have the enterprise version, so it sounds like bundles are something I should train up on. And I have no rules set up yet because, frankly, I’m scared of triggering a ton of things to happen before I’ve alerted my team about it or tested it’s working right. But I’ll try!

So part of the project manager’s process when converting a task to a project will be to assign the correct bundle(s)?

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You can always create a private project for yourself and treat it as your lab space where you can test these items.

I personally have not worked with bundles but I believe @Bastien_Siebman or @Richard_Sather have and maybe they can assist a bit.

My understanding of bundles is that you can create a bundle of rules and features that you can carry over to as many projects as you like without needing to create them from scratch.

Ideally a bundle is tied to a project template, so that would be automatic if you use a template. But yes you can also manually attach a bundle to a project.