Rule Builder QoL Update: Duplicate "IF" criteria option

It would be great if we were given the option to duplicate a previously built Check-If ruleset so we don’t have to rebuild everything over and over again where one criteria is changed.

Example, I have a ruleset that helps to auto assign a Project Manager to a task (because we can’t target a custom field to auto assign them) that I need to do for 15 Project Managers. So I am literally repeating the process of creating:

Check If:
Status is > Account Review
Lead PM is set to > [List of company’s PMs]

Fourteen times. And this is one of the simpler rule sets, I have others that contain five criteria where all but one are exactly the same.

Please add a plus-sign to the bottom right of the Check-If box that duplicates it. Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Duplicate a rule while building project