RTL language support



Please add it ASAP



Big plusssssssssssssss

This post was seen by 4.5k, but only 80 Votes for it
Please click the VOTE on the top left if you want RTL Support in ASANA

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Lavie_BB :wave:

Just for your information whenever Asana checks the feedback request threads they consider votes and total views also :wink:

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Yep, that’s good, as a long time user of ASANA the RTL support in display and editor is fairly common today in most clients and would be great to see it in ASANA too.

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Many years later and still no RTL support!
Simple line of code - So sorry we’ve implement Asana.

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Hey guys,
This is an obvious one - anyone who writes in Hebrew/Arabic or any right-to-left language in Asana must know the frustration of writing words in English along with our language - it just messes up the whole text.

Please add this simple feature to make our lives so much easier :slight_smile:

@Sivan_Berger, welcome to the forum! I’ve merged your request with a similar post. Please make sure you use the purple Vote button near the title to lend your support.

7 years have pasted since this issue was created, and still there is no RTL support.
Guys, it is a single line of code.