Reset password

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @anon5670297!

Sorry to hear about the troubles you are facing when trying to reset the password.

Based on google translate the message you got is “Due to conflicting security restrictions in the domain or domains: [globus-ltd} [intermodann] [simona-bt], we were unable to send a password reset link to any of your email addresses. If you need further assistance, please contact support:”

Not sure what plan you are on, however, if on business for example you can contact the admin of your Asana organization to force a password reset across the org:

Maybe that helps you get the link.

Otherwise on Enterprise plans admins can amend the password for individual users directly.

If nothing helps reach out to Asana Support as they should be able to help.
Keep in mind that whenever you send a follow-up email that pushes your request to the end of the queue again.