Reset password

Good afternoon. I have been writing to technical support for more than 6 months asking for help to reset my password. The standard password procedure does not work.
It sent me this mail:
Из-за конфликтующих ограничений безопасности в домене или доменах: [globus-ltd} [intermodann] [simona-bt], мы не смогли отправить ссылку для восстановления пароля ни по одному из ваших адресов электронной почты. Если вам нужна дополнительная помощь, обращайтесь в службу поддержки:


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @anon5670297!

Sorry to hear about the troubles you are facing when trying to reset the password.

Based on google translate the message you got is “Due to conflicting security restrictions in the domain or domains: [globus-ltd} [intermodann] [simona-bt], we were unable to send a password reset link to any of your email addresses. If you need further assistance, please contact support:”

Not sure what plan you are on, however, if on business for example you can contact the admin of your Asana organization to force a password reset across the org:

Maybe that helps you get the link.

Otherwise on Enterprise plans admins can amend the password for individual users directly.

If nothing helps reach out to Asana Support as they should be able to help.
Keep in mind that whenever you send a follow-up email that pushes your request to the end of the queue again.

Thank you

my plan is premium

reset password button not working

Yes the reset password is only available on enterprise plans I am afraid


I have the same issue, I requested a password reset link while merging two accounts and now i cannot login to any of my organisations.
Because of this I am currently unable to complete my work.

Support has yet to reply to me so far.

Has anyone found another solution besides contacting support or the ones mentioned above?

Thank you!