Repeating Tasks: Option to Include Card Content & Subtasks

When a task is set to repeat on some periodic basis, currently all of the content in the card (due date, assignee, sub-task, etc) is also duplicated. It would be great if we could to have the option of what info to retain in the repeat. Also, with sub-tasks the subtasks should also be “reset” to not completed so they can be re-checked. Repeating a “completed” task with all of the completed details is not useful. Thank you!

Yes! Where are the votes on this?? I am going to echo your post, specifically on the resetting of subtasks. When you check off a task that repeats, the due date of the task and the related subtasks should all repeat.
Use case: I have to update a material every year. That material is represented by a task. The subtasks are the actions I need to take to update that material. Those actions are the same every year. When I complete task for the material update and the repeated task is created with the next due date (a year from now), the subtasks should also repeat and their due dates should be a year from now.

This is similar to another product feedback item and I suggest they be merged. Subtask due dates in relation to repeating task