13 February 2023 06:28
Welcome, @Jgong ,
My recollection is that you can’t directly influence the names that appear yourself, unless you choose to deprovision those people; then they will be removed from your workspace and from the lists.
See more here on how/when they appear in the lists:
Hi @djgoncalves . The names that appear in the assignee drop down list are automatically added based on recency and people who are associated with the task or project. If there is someone remaining in your org, but you don’t assign tasks to them anymore, they’ll drop off eventually. Alternatively, if you completely remove them from the org they will no longer appear on the list.
Note that if a deprovisioned member still shows up in the typeahead when a current Member is assigning tasks, you’ll n…
See here for how to deprovision users in a workspace:
See here for some potential things to do beforehand:
Before you remove a user from your organization it’s good to take several steps to avoid possibly losing some item access (which could require Asana Support to restore).
I couldn’t find this information in one place, and since it’s hard to remember when only periodically needed, I decided to create this as a reference.
Before removing the user, consider carrying out these steps for any items you care about:
Note: These steps are easiest to carry out if you log in with the credentials of the…