Remove/hide default sections from My Tasks

How can I remove/hide default sections (Recently assigned, Today, Upcoming, Later) from My Tasks?
I did it in the past, and today (I don’t know why!!!) they appeared again…

Thanks in advance!

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Other image is an example.
My tasks have my name (I didn’t put it there??!!)

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Those sections are hidden when they are empty. You can’t really remove them. To switch tasks between those sections, you can use the keyboard Shortcut Tab+Y, Tab+U, Tab+L.


Thanks for your quick answer.
But I have 3 sections empty, and they keep unhide.

I think this is a new thing they are beta testing. @lpb has the same, maybe @Marie can merge your threads…

Ok, Thanks for your help.
I’ll be waiting for news.

Yes @Bastien_Siebman is right, we’re currently running some test; I’ll be in touch as soon as I have more information :slight_smile:

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@Marie Does that mean you are looking for feedback from those seeing this feature?

@Marie, thanks for your feedback.
Today, everything backed to “normal”.


Not sure yet @Bastien_Siebman, I need to check in with the Team!

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You can effectively hide all of those sections by choosing a different way to sort your list (ex. sort by due date or likes). This should remove them even if they are empty and come back through some beta testing wizardry.

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But if I change the “Sort”, the Tasks view is affected and the “layout” changes a lot. I want to see a compact view and with custom sections (created by me).
Thanks anyway for your help.

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