Hi! I’m getting my team set up on Asana and one complaint has been the number of notifications we receive in Slack from Asana. We like seeing the tasks when assigned, but it gets cumbersome when we see notifications about changes, comments, etc. Is there a way to streamline the types and number of notifications you get in slack?
Is there a way to get a daily digest of notifications in slack, the same way that you do in email?
Hi @anon38185605, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
At this time, it’s not possible to customise your Slack + Asana notifications. For a list of the type of notifications you will receive, you can take a look at our Guide here: Slack + Asana • Asana Product Guide
I’ve gone ahead and moved your post to the #productfeedback category to give you and other users the chance to vote for this feature. I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates
I use the Asana integration for slack and find it quite useful, except for one issue.
I work on many different projects, and often times the due dates on those projects change. When a due date changes on a project with, say, 30 tasks, I get 30 notifications and it really makes things hard to track in Slack.
Is it possible to turn off certain types of notifications? It seems like it is all or nothing (receive all notifications or none) - In a perfect world I could turn off notifications for when due dates change on a task but keep every other type of notification.
At this time, it’s not possible to customise your Slack + Asana notifications. For a list of the type of notifications you will receive, you can take a look at our Guide here: Slack & Asana • Asana
I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with an existing one in the #productfeedback category to consolidate feedback. I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates
Bumping this thread! I would LOVE the ability to customize the types of notifications I’m getting from linked projects in slack channels - not just for myself, but for the whole channel! For example, I need project status updates to go to slack, but I almost never want notifications every time a due date is changed.
I would love this as well. I live in Asana so I do not need or want notifications from it in Slack - but I do appreciate the ability to quickly create an Asana task from Slack so I don’t want to completely disable it. Being able to mute the notifications would greatly enhance my productivity.
It would really help to be able to customize notifications in Slack as others have mentioned. I like the integration for replying to comments and marking tasks complete, but the sheer volume of notifications is overwhelming and bothersome. Others on my team have expressed this as well. Please consider expanding the options for what types of Slack notifications we receive!
Bumping this. Would be wonderful to either temporarily mute for everyone or customize which notifications are sent. Especially helpful when setting up a new project in Asana.
@Rebecca_McGrath Bumping this up again, very surprised to learn that there is no way to customize these notifications. My team has been using this integration less than a week and are already overwhelmed by the number of notifications we’re receiving. It is definitely cluttering our Slack channel and making it very difficult to use. This update should be prioritized to maximize efficiency and reduce clutter!
Did the notifications sent to Slack change recently? They used to be pretty helpful (only notify me about tasks I’m assigned or added to etc) but now I’m getting notifications that are not at all helpful and annoying (someone added a task to a board, someone changed a due date of their own task??)