Public form permissions

We are new to Asana and have a use case that requires a public-facing form.

All evidence in the forums and docs suggests that forms are able to be made public at the form level by default.

For us, this option is greyed out. When mousing over, it states that the administrator has disabled public forms.

The only setting I can find in the admin console is for DISABLING public forms (I.e., only allow within organization for all forms). We are on Business, so can’t modify this setting. However, our setting shows that permissions are set at the form level.

Can anyone help point us in the right direction? Seems like we may be missing something obvious here…

Welcome, @anon24109021,

In Admin Console > Security >Forms access permissions, you want this setting:

It seems like you instead have Organization sharing only.

If you can’t change it, perhaps a Super Admin there can. Otherwise, contact

Hope that helps,


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That setting is Enterprise only as I mentioned in my original post & ours is set to “Project members can set permissions”:

I’ll reach out to support. Thanks for the response.

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How long does support usually take to respond? I have had a ticket open for 24 hours and no response.

This is our first week trying to deploy Asana and this has us halted in our tracks. Really disappointed in the support so far…

Sometimes it can take a couple days. If you haven’t already heard back (I’m seeing this 9h after you wrote it), or you need this resolved asap, you could try to @ mention “Marie” here.



@Marie Can you help at all? I’ve reached out to support & our sales team. No responses & we are stuck on the first task we are trying to trial in Asana.

Hi @anon24109021

Forms permissions are indeed an Enterprise feature (see guide article here). Form what I’m seeing, your domain is subscribed to a Premium plan - which explains why you aren’t able to access these options.

I think what’s confusing here is that the pop-up you’re seeing makes you feel that some permissions are enabled (project members can set permissions + Allow members to embed forms), while technically this is just a projection of what your settings could be if you upgraded to Enterprise.

I hope this makes sense, and I’m sorry for the confusion here. I’ll go ahead and send a note to our team and see if we can make this pop-up clearer.

@Marie That is not what the Asana docs indicate. See below. Default behavior for Asana Premium & Business users is to be able to share forms publicly.


We CAN change form settings at the form level, but “Anyone with access” is blocked with a message about admin settings, not feature tiers.


The forms permissions docs state " The forms access permissions feature allows super admins to restrict form access to people who have an email address from their organization’s domain." Which further indicates to me that the default behavior is to allow form permissions to be set at the form level & for public access to forms as an option.

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Thanks, @anon24109021, for making the issue more clear; I was about to reply similarly.

@Marie, thanks for any help to allow @anon24109021 and his teams to use forms as they should be able to.


Thanks @anon24109021,

From the information you shared, I can’t figure out what’s going on - but I’ve reached out to Erwan from our support team, who will be in touch shortly via email to help you figure this out.

I see you have a premium division (which means only a specific set of your teams can access Premium features). It could be a case that your forum is attached to a project that doesn’t live in your division. Erwan will be able to take a deeper look into your account to figure it out.

Sorry for not being able to solve this directly via the Forum!


Response from support - they had to manually enable this in the back end for us. Hope this helps anyone that runs into this in the future. Note that we had already entered billing info, but since we are technically still on the trial that apparently precludes you from using this feature for some reason & the error message / warning is misleading.

“I just got a response from our Team and it appears that this specific feature (“Anyone can access”) is blocked for plans in “Free trial,” it is only available once the plan becomes a paid one.”


Darn, I’m sorry, @anon24109021; I had run into this once before but forgot completely. Sorry for the runaround, and thanks for posting the solution here.


Just signed up for Asana to test this specific feature, it’s basically the deal-breaker and the main reason we’re considering it over other options. Ran into the exact same issue and tried troubleshooting it for over an hour before finding this thread.

This really needs to be fixed; I’ve opened a support ticket but I probably wouldn’t have bothered if I hadn’t found this thread.

I am having the same issue @anon24109021 had. I’ve emailed support but the response time is unreal. Is this something that can be fixed? We’ve emailed our form out because we thought it was public.

Is there a solution to this? What is the final answer. will this become available after paying for the plan because the docs clearly say it is available for premium plan as well.

Hi @Rumshaa_Yunus , welcome to the forum :wave:

Yes, the ability to set the form’s access to ‘Anyone can access’ (public) becomes available after the trial period, once you are one a paid plan (Premium, Business or Enterprise)

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