Form is not accessible to the public

It doesn’t appear that our Asana form is accessible to those who do not have an Asana account. I have generated a link by clicking on “copy link” per instructions here: Create Forms in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

I’m part of a large org and I’m wondering if there are some global settings that prevent forms from being accessible to external users.

Hi @Po_Moon!

Links to Asana forms should work for anyone, regardless if they have an Asana account or not and I am not aware of any global settings that prevent forms from being shared with external users. Can you share the link on here to the form (or maybe create a “dummy project” with a form) and let me try and access it? Maybe we can troubleshoot the issue.



I agree with Matt, that should be impossible.

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Hi @Matt_Dickinson, hi @Bastien_Siebman - here’s a link to a dummy project form: Loading... - Form by Asana. I tried opening it using Firefox incognito and it prompted me to login to Asana.

Capture d’écran 2021-07-23 à 16.26.48
Looks like the form is broken or the link is the wrong one.

@Po_Moon the new link you just sent over is not working for me either. I am getting the same “Sorry! We couldn’t find the form you wanted.” landing page that @Bastien_Siebman was getting. Does the link work when you try?

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@Matt_Dickinson, @Bastien_Siebman - sorry for the trouble! It looks like the issue does have something to do with our company’s security override. I’ll proceed to closing out this ticket. Thank you!

@Emily_Roman and @Rebecca_McGrath can you all shed some light on what this security override might be that @Po_Moon speaks of? I was not aware of any such override but would like to know more about it!


Thanks for confirming, @Po_Moon!

@Matt_Dickinson I investigated this further and as part of the security features for Enterprise Organizations, Admins can require authentication to access/submit form. This feature is not available in the Admin Console and Enterprise Admins need to contact our support team to enable this feature :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!


@Emily_Roman thank you for the quick response! That makes sense and I am glad I now know about this option for Enterprise accounts. @Po_Moon if there is anything else we can do please let us know.



Thanks @Matt_Dickinson! Thanks @Emily_Roman! No more questions on Asana form at this time - I appreciate your assistance with this.

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Do you have a documentation for this somewhere please? Thanks!

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Hi @Bastien_Siebman, I just had a look and I see our Learn about Asana Enterprise features • Asana Product Guide article hasn’t been updated yet! I let our content team know and hopefully they will add this information soon.


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