Props to Flowsana - just created a new hire workflow that's a game changer

So we have a Team that is comprised of all of the core members of new hire onboarding from various functions. And we wanted to move away from Smartsheet forms for new hire notifications (which start our workflow) and put it all of the workflow in one place. Problem was, when a new hire form came in in Smartsheet, it was a LOT of columns and conditional formatting trickery and something was always breaking. So we move the team into Asana (all were already members but we just created a new team in there) and we moved all of the tasks (~150) into a project template broken down by sections, responsibilities, tags, etc. The issue in Asana was, when a person submitted a form we could not trigger a copy of the template using Asana’s actions so we turned to Flowsana. Now when someone submits a new hire form, it pulls certain tags from the new hire task and uses them to create a new project based off the template and everyone gets their various notifications. It is so effortless now!! Props to Asana and Flowsana for working hard to make this stuff happen!


Thanks for sharing the use case with the Community @anon33627573
Yes definite props to Flowsana it is a great tool complementing Asana functionality…

FYI. @Phil_Seeman



Thanks for sharing @anon33627573 :raised_hands:t3: and congrats to @Phil_Seeman for building this awesome tool!


Thanks so much for the kudos, @anon33627573 - really appreciated!

FYI the newest feature just released for Flowsana came directly from a request from Nate for this capability.