A few folks on the Forum have requested markup of PDF’s as the next helpful thing - either in comments or as its own product improvement voting item (@ Allow Image Proofing Feature on PDFS - Totally agree. But I just wanted to share this piece of feedback with Asana as well - even if there was PDF markup > the PRINT function is limiting and just needs a tweak to be amazing.
The use case you outlined when you launched Proofing is largely assuming that your graphic designer or teammate who is actually going to be editing the document is in Asana with you. As they finish each edit they close out the task.
For a lot of companies and non-profits like mine, who do not have the luxury of said person on staff, we do what most do which is markup the PDF of the proof or draft using the comments feature in Adobe Acrobat (or in our case Nuance Power PDF), and then send that back to the designer.
Your PROOFING tool is amazing and, I might add, even though PDF markup isn’t directly supported, exporting from PDF to JPG is easily done if you are using the full version of Acrobat, for instance. And then you can use the markup tool as is.
But here is the limiting part. When you go to print all these nice comments and to do’s for someone outside Asana, the little yellow NUMBERS that guide you on the graphic image itself to the feedback point DO NOT PRINT.
Here is what it looks like in Asana
Here is what it looks like when you print (SO CLOSE to helpful. SO VERY close!)
So that’s my suggestion - by making a tweak perhaps to the output of the image in the print window, all those nice proofing notes would go with it. Be it PDF or JPG, exporting from Asana to an external person would be super slick.
Looking to get an Asana-edited PDF outside of Asana WITH the edits. I have a file that has been proofed within Asana (the Enterprise function that adds comments as tasks) but I need to send it to a designer outside of Asana for edits. When I download the PDF the edits don’t exist in the stand alone doc. Suggestions?
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Hi @anon89899522, thanks for reaching out!
It’s currently not possible to export/print a file including all icon yellow numbers that guide you to the feedback and my apologies for any trouble. We have a similar product feedback requesr related to this topic. I’ve gone ahead and merged your thread with Proofing of Images Needs Printer Output Tweak to avoid duplicates. I hope you don’t mind!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks Emily . Is there a way to turn OFF this “feature” as it has really created a problem to get feedback on PDFs to outside vendors. Now it seems we have the comments but no context.
Hi Emily,
Is this a feature Asana is working on? The only issue our Marketing team is having with Asana is that they need to be able to download and send proofed files to outside designers for edits. The designers do not already work in Asana so it is a bit of a hassle to get them in there to make edits.
Thank you!
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Hi @Janica_Jesson, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! We don’t have immediate plans to launch this feature but I’ll make sure to keep this thread updated as soon as I have any news.
Amy we do a work around by PDF printing the Asana thread and then doing a screen grab of where the yellow mark ups are, and using the PDF software we add the numbers back to Comments in the PDF Output. Clunky but it goes quick once you’ve done it a few times. Although if you have A LOT of changes it doesn’t scale very well.
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Hi there, is there a solution for exporting a PDF that has been proof read with all its comments out of Asana? Thanks
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