Project Overview - Attach more than 1 brief

Would love to add more than 1 project brief, (Many elements in a project) or perhaps add more notes to the brief (without attaching a word doc)

Also it would be great if the content in project brief is also searchable.

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Thanks for the feedback @Summer, hopefully this is something we can implement in a future update! We’ll keep you posted here once we have an update on this topic!

It would be helpful to also have the option to add a notes page (or multiple notes pages) in the overview section

Hi @Anuja welcome to the forum! I’d be curious as to what ‘notes’ you’d want to add.


I would like to add multiple pages for meeting notes for my ASANA. We use ASANA to do our Weekly Business Reviews and go through topics in each discussion and I would like to add multiple pages for notes for these discussions based on the week of the year.

Hi @Anuja I usually use a meetings project in Asana to do this . I wrote an article on this ♪ Meet Me Halfway ♪ - Have Meetings In Asana - #17 by Danielle-GenD

Is there any way we can create additional pages instead of utilizing another meetings ASANA? as -

  1. There are no tasks coming out of the meetings again and we want to record the conversations and tasks we add in the same ASANA project anyway.
  2. It would help keep it all in one place.