Profiles images bubbles not displayed in Sidebar


It appear that profiles images bubbles are not displayed below every team in the sidebar. If you look at the screenshot, for the team Administration we can see the bubbles pictures but for the team Graphisme, it’s not showing up…

Is that some kind of bug ?

Thank you in advance.


Hi @Fabian7, thanks for reaching out!

There is one profile icon displayed under the Graphisme team (I am assuming this is your own profile icon). Are there other users in the Team? It seems like you are currently the only Team member and this is why yours is the only icon showing.

Looking forward to hearing back from you :slight_smile:

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you for your answer. I’ve made a mistake in my screenshot. I should have highlighted the space to the right of my profile icon, which is empty. And no, I’m not the only Team member, there are 2 more as you can see on the screenshot in attachment.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Capture d’écran 2021-11-15 à 09.32.31

Hi @Fabian7, thanks for following up!

In this case, I suggest reaching out to our Support team as they have access to additional tools that we don’t have here on the Community team to be able to look into your team further.

You can reach our Support team by following these steps: How to contact our Support Team ✉

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi @Rebecca_McGrath
Some of my customers have reported to me exactly the same things yesterday.
Do they also need to reach the support? Or are you testing interface modifications?

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