Possibility to disable the message feature

The messaging feature in Asana is confusing when our guest users start using it. If we receive a message, it’s never related to a project and that’s where it goes wrong. With 400 guest accounts & more than 150 active projects it’s hard to link the guest account to the right project (and sometimes guests have more than 1 active project)

Also, most of the time, people are using messages when they should create a new task. So for some use cases, the messages don’t have an added value for us. That’s why it should be great to have the option to disable the messaging feature on project or account level. Thanks


Hi @Thomas_D, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

While we don’t have plans to offer to disable the Message feature at this time, perhaps this is something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

Yes please - we have the same issue. Would love to disable message in certain projects or teams. Guest users are finding and using the message feature in ways which are annoying and unhelpful.

We also find that private messaging causes a lot more problems than it solves. Maybe it could be a permissioned feature for specific users, or messages can be converted into tasks, or messages can be at least linked to specific projects (and therefore viewable by members of that project). The current situation with messaging is frustrating and counterproductive.

We’re evaluating options for tools for otherwise untracked work and disabling mis-features like messages does play into the evaluation.

@Rebecca_McGrath is it possible to add this to a future development list? We also do not want messages away from project boards.

I’d love the ability to disable private messages. Every message I’ve received should be either a tasks/project or a comment on an existing task/project. It puts a bit more on my plate because I have to constantly reply and suggest moving the message to the designated/existing item instead of discussing privately. I find the feature adds a layer of additional frustration that would be solved if I could simply disable PM’s for my account.

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@Rebecca_McGrath I’m just curious if there any plans to implement a feature that allows disabling messages?

we’d like to disable the direct messaging as well but for compliance related reasons.

that or require all messages to be sent also to their email; and not allow them to turn that notification off.

Our firm would also like the ability to turn off individual messaging.

I would love to turn off the messages feature for teams and users if possible.

Hey, Asana, any updates on whether this has been added to the product roadmap?

YES! We use Asana for transparency and accountability. We work as a team, we communicate as a team.

Messages are just e-mail in a different interface; they keep things private and disorganized, and there’s no accountability because they can’t be marked complete.

We need the option to disable this feature so client’s can’t message us - they must use tasks.

We would also really like the ability to turn messaging off. When you are using messages, it’s hard to find later, we want people to use the comments function on tasks so we can keep all work together. It’s also really disruptive to deep work to have messages pinging. It’s one of the reasons we moved to using Asana from Microsoft products.