I love Portfolios, they are awesome to track the project progress.
After using them for a time my only feedback for Portfolios is that Portfolios should be treated like Projects on a Team where all the people in the Team can see or edit the Portfolio if they have permission on the Team or the Portfolio (same as Project permissions).
I think it’s more natural to treat Portfolios in Teams like we are used to with Projects. Use cases for this are:
A team want to have an overview of all they projects and progress on the same Team and not to add again the same people on the current Portfolio implementation.
A management team can create and share Portfolio for they clients, something like this:
I image a new option “add portfolio” under the “+” option of a Team. Whit this idea the menu will have this 3 options:
Invite People
Add Project
Add Portfolio
Thanks for this incredible product!! and I hope to contribute something with this idea
Best regards!
I’m trying to make Asana work for me, to manage multiple projects within a portfolio. Projects might be strategic endeavours, programs, projects or more unrelated activities bundled in a project. However, at the moment I have to remember the latest progress and progress status.
A home page that not only lists all my projects, but also displays the latest progress and progress status would help me to reclaim oversight on all projects I’m associated with. Even better would be a list of progress items (perhaps the latest 3, including their respective progress status color).
Hi all, I’m glad to announce that is now possible to add Portfolios to Portfolios! With this update, you can add both projects and Portfolios, allowing you to create multiple layers of organization! See more details in our announcement here:
I also recommend you checking some use cases in this comment!
Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!