Portfolios API now available

Hello and a happy new year to everyone! Following the release of Portfolios in November, we’re pleased to announce new API endpoints for Portfolios to enable developers to integrate with this new feature.

Some of the things you can do:

  • Retrieve portfolios owned by the authorized user.
  • Retrieve the projects contained in a portfolio
  • Retrieve the name and custom field settings for a portfolio
  • Create / Update contents of a portfolio or details on the portfolio.
  • Retrieve / modify custom field values on projects

Note that Portfolios are part of our new Asana Business plan so users will need to be on Business or Enterprise plans to interact with Portfolios related functionality.

See our documentation for details and we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback!


As a reminder, can you share again what happens if a non-Business user is making an API call like this?

This follows our API error pattern, so if the API call is made by a user that is not in the appropriate tier to access the feature, the API will return a 402 error code.


Note that when you use the “portfolio_memberships” end point, you always get a valid response even of your workspace does not have access, there’s no 402.

Also, that endpoint returns all other portfolios, shared with you, that you are not the owner.
That’s why I prefer to use that endpoint instead of /portfolios !