Portfolio Workload Filters not "clearing"

In the Portfolio > Workload tab, we often filter by People to quickly find and select subsets of people. Within the last 2 weeks, any filtering does not completely ‘clear’ even after you “Deselect All”, “Apply”, and add new people. Team members still appear who show un-checked in the People dropdown.

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Tagging @Vanessa_N in case this is a bug…?

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Hi @Meghan_Seal and @Richard_Sather, sorry to hear about this issue. I’ve tested on my end and the People filter seems to be working fine.

Meghan, can you confirm if you see the same behavior in incognito? Richard, are you seeing the same problem on your end?

To clarify… this is happening on the desktop and web app. Further de-bugging… it appears that if you make adjustments to any tasks, that person becomes “sticky”. So if, for example, I filter by designers, update one person’s tasks, clear the people filter, filter by developers… the designer who I edited is now showing under the developers filter. Note - the People filter count is accurate to the number of developers. The designer does not appear selected in the People dropdown. Their row still appears in the Workload list, however. Hope those addt’l debugging details are helpful!

@Vanessa_N , I can’t replicate it on my end. Just thought to raise this to you.

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Hi Team - Still having this experience on desktop app… Can’t really post a video with some of our custom field content and team members’ identities but willing to hop on a call if that’s helpful and could screenshare?!? Anyone else encountering this with the desktop app version?

Hi @Meghan_Seal, thank you so much for the additional information.

I could now replicate the issue you’re experiencing. As you mentioned, it looks like this behavior only happens when we update the person’s tasks before using the filter.

Just a friendly reminder for future reference: currently, we are only able to manage bug reports classified as Critical here in the Forum. These include widespread issues, major workflow disruptions, etc., as described in this pinned topic.

Since we’ve already been discussing this case and I could replicate the problem, don’t worry, I have escalated it to our Development team directly. I’ll keep you posted as soon as I have any updates.

Thank you for your understanding and patience! :slight_smile:


Hi @Richard_Sather and @Meghan_Seal, thank you for your patience! Our Developers have acknowledged the issue and added it to their list of future fixes. Unfortunately, they can’t provide an ETA yet, as they’re currently focused on other pressing tasks. However, as soon as they have any updates, they’ll inform me, and I’ll pass them along to you.

In the meantime, refreshing the page after updating the tasks seems to resolve the issue. I understand this isn’t ideal, but it should help unblock you until a fix is in place :slight_smile:


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