Portfolio Timeline not showing project tasks

Issue: I compiled a few projects together in a portfolio, so that I could see each project timeline simultaneously. However, only milestones appear in the portfolio timeline – none of the individual tasks appear. If I go to the specific project’s timeline, all the tasks appear as they should. Not sure why they aren’t showing up on the portfolio timeline.

NOTE: I am using Flowsana to create a workback schedule.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create projects with Flowsana – using the Dynamic Duration-Based workflow to create a workback schedule
  2. Enter project due date and wait as individual task dates update and timeline autogenerates accordingly.
  3. Combine projects into a single portfolio
  4. Click timeline view.

Browser version: Chrome in Mac

Hi @anon62328508, welcome to the Asana Community Forum!

Your Portfolio Timeline only shows projects that have due date or date range but it’s currently not possible to see all tasks on each project in one Portfolio Timeline view.

As a workaround, you can create a master project and multi-home all tasks you need to see in one Timeline view.

cc @Phil_Seeman in case he has another workaround with Flowsana :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!

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