Please make a Premium Solo Plan

I am a single user who is finding value with ASANA. There may be an opportunity to add more seats in the future, if it proves valuable long term. I am happy to pay for one seat, but have no use for two. I doubt I will be able to continue with a paid plan given this constraint.


I am a single user who is finding value with ASANA. There may be an opportunity to add more seats in the future, if it proves valuable long term. I am happy to pay for one seat, but have no use for two. I doubt I will be able to continue with a paid plan given this constraint.



I wanted to let you know that @Bastien_Siebman has put an offer out there for solo-preneurs, and this may be something of interest to you.

I donā€™t want to offer you a potential solution without addressing your concern with the lack of single seat plans please seeā€™s Marieā€™s explanation as to why Asana offers licenses with a minimum of 2 seats.

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Sure, tools were built for collaboration, but that should not limit an influencer within an organization from using the tool. The person you are limiting to 2 seats may have the influence of the person who can purchase 100 seats. This person may be testing certain use cases and it takes more than a month to decide. This is a case in point. It seems silly to throw away the potential for tens of thousands of dollars to secure $264 or $0.


Iā€™m a freelancer and I would happily pay for Asana Premium but why am I forced to buy 2 seats while I am solo? This makes no sense. :frowning:


Hi @lukewieladek,

This is the best thread for that question; you can add your vote at the top of the thread, and see the relevant discussion above.


Title says it all. There is no reason why asana is limited to only 2 chairs as so many freelancers use this project for just themselves.

Having to pay $60/mo to use the business abilities for one user is ridiculous.

Please add this option, users have been asking for it for years.


As a solo entrepreneur, small team with many clients all with their own Asana subscription. I, on the other hand, cannot get a single license for Asana. I would need to purchase 2 seats for 1 person. Wasting money.

If I had 6 team members, you will force me to purchase 10 seats.

What kind of business practice does this represent? I can think of a few, but they are very negative. Iā€™m hoping you reconsider after many, many years of your potential users asking for a better pricing model that can represent ALL peopleā€¦ not just your narrow vision of what a ā€œteamā€ identifies as?

Let us be freeā€¦ open up your Seats for everyone to enjoy Premium benefits without the extortion.


Asana should at least be upfront about the 2 seats thing, Iā€™ve built up my automations during my trial only to find out its double the price for someone solo.


I am a sole practitioner who is trying to collaborate with other sole practitioners, and after 7 days and 14 back and forths, I have confirmed there is not a way to have a single seat paid plan and also collaborate with other sole practitioners. We either need to have a separate workspace for each project - sort of defeats the point of having all your tasks in one place though - or each pay for 2 seats when we only need one. Bummed! Iā€™ve been using asana for years, and just started out on my own. Super disappointed I canā€™t begin collaborating with others in other orgs with this platform.


you should have asked here :slight_smile:

One idea I played with and experimented was to buy a domain name ( and give an address to each person. You then buy together the seats and collaborate, while keeping private teams.

It has challenges, I can detail them here if you are interested.

Note: a domain and emails cost almost nothing

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I would like to upgrade but the seats options are in 5ā€™s. I would like it to be more flexible. So instead of paying for 15 seats, when I will only ever need 12 seats.

Hi @Jade_Bartlett, welcome to the Community Forum! :handshake: I hear you on this. Especially when the seat number is low, it would be helpful to license them one at a time. Be sure to upvote your enhancement request above. :+1:


Hey @Jade_Bartlett from now you must perform your skills for your low seats no.
You would be upgrade your seats if want to but with a plan.

The advertising is really misleading, Asana still shares ā€˜per-seat pricingā€™ without making it clear that you need to pay for a minimum of two seats on Premium and Business plansā€¦ I do hope Asana considers a ā€˜one seatā€™ option sometime in the future. In the meantime, Iā€™ve moved to another platform as none of their competitors have this limitation.


I know it is hard, but if you moved past the fact that you have to pay for two seats, could you compare Asana for its features instead? Maybe paying for two seats is still worth it, I have known people who do think it is.

Fully understand that you want a single-seat option.

Just to be accurate, though, many of Asanaā€™s competitors have a 2 or 3 seat minimum.

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Really? I did not realise! I did some research recently and turns out many also have the steps in pricing ^^

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I didnā€™t want to post other product names here but will reach out to you.

As a solopreneur, I LOVE so many features of Asana. But now that my free trial is over and I am upgrading, I see there is no option for purchasing a single seat. Feels like you are missing an entire market of solopreneurs who could really benefit from this by forcing us to purchase 2 seats.