Personal account deactivated

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
For some reason my browser signed out of Asana, I tried connecting again but the password was´t working, so I decided to reset it. After I clicked on the link sent to my email, and followed all the steps, I logged in but my projects weren’t visible anymore. I tried logging out and than logging in again but than a message saying my email wasn’t registered at Asana appeared! I’ve only been using Asana for 3 weeks but I´m really enjoying it, but right now I do have a serious problem, since all my to dos and deadlines are in my Asana projects. Please help me restore it!
Best regards,
Liv Baptista

Steps to reproduce:

Browser version:

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Did you try to click on your avatar in the top right corner and see if you have access to your old workspace there?

Yes i’ve already tried that, but it seems I only have the current work space

Hi @Liv_Baptista,

Our support team can assist you to regain access to your projects and tasks. To do that they will need your contact information and the best way to share this information privately is to contact support following this steps:

  1. Access
  2. Select “I’m having trouble with”
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Let’s chat”

Please send in your message the URL to this community topic and to provide them context. This way you don’t need to repeat yourself too.

Thanks for your understanding and taking this extra step!