Outlook Integration not pulling over Attachments

Hello - I’m using the outlook integration to create new tasks and recently attachments stopped pulling over onto the new task. Steps taken 1) launch Asana tool in outlook Create new task 2) verified attachments were checked/selected 3) clicked create task 4) confirmed new task created in Asana but attachments did not load with it.

Why would this suddenly stop working? Last used successfully ~6 days ago.


TBH, I’d do extensive testing on any non-mainstream feature that Asana offers to make sure it works as advertised. There have been many slips 'twixt keyboard and lip. Heck, I’d even test mainstream features in detail. Examples available on request.


Since I haven’t seen other similar reports, I recommend:

Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.



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