Option to hide weekends in timeline

+1000 This is a super critical feature that’s needed

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Wow, this is surprising. I went to do this in my new upgraded account and the only option is to have pre-populated templates. We just dont work that way. Every project is unique.

I really need this. I upvoted.

This seems such a vital element of really leverage timeline schedules and the power of automation. Please consider adding this asap.

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How is this still not resolved after 5 years? Absolutely ridiculous that Asana hasn’t bothered to at least add a toggle for ignoring weekends when shifting items on the timeline. Makes Asana completely unusable for large projects.


I frequently use the timeline view to review the list of tasks which my team is working on, often they don’t have dependencies as they’re separate work streams. I often move the boxes around on the timeline view to reshuffle priorities or to extend the duration, however, when the view is in ‘Quarters’ rather than ‘Months’, it’s very easy to schedule something to start or finish on a weekend, which is not an option for my team.

Currently Asana only allows for ‘weekend awareness’ when adjusting tasks which have a dependency on one another. Weekend awareness however does not work when manually moving tasks around in the timeline view.

I should add, I currently have to resort to manually adjust everything which falls on a weekend, and it’d be amazing if there was functionality to automatically change the date/duration if it falls on a weekend

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Marwan_Khan👋

I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Your vote was transferred as well.

FYI you can now do this with the new “Set a date field” rule action in our Flowsana integration. It’s a little bit of an odd-looking usage of it:

You’re setting the due date to the same due date, but the key is the “Skip weekends” checkbox which will move it off of a weekend day if you change it to fall on one.

(Also note this will work when changing the date in any view, not just the Timeline.)

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Definitely a dealbreaker. Clickup has this and may switch to them due to this critical omission.

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Yeah, this one is tough. It’s in efficient for us at this point and I’m the only one programming. This makes sense for bigger teams with more robust capacity than a rapidly growing start up.

When moving the timeline, the activities go to weekends. We don’t work on weekends, and this is a dealbreaker to get Asana for our team.

Can you check your dependency management options in the three dot menu?

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@Andrea_Mayer , @Bastien_Siebman - The “weekend awareness” feature does not work as advertised. I have “weekend awareness” enabled on a 5-day task from 9/18/23-9/22/23. When I shift the 5-day task in Timeline view to overlap a weekend, Asana does not ignore the weekend dates.

Also, it is unclear how this feature is suppoed to work in views other than Timeline.

What am I missing?

M-F task:

Task moved to overlap a weekend:

Weekend awareness enabled:

Hello @Adam_Caruso, it does not seem your task is a dependent task?

I have tested this now and marked one task dependent on another (same setting as you have with “maintain buffer” and “weekend awareness”
As you can see both are scheduled to take 5 days each.

Then I moved the first task.

As you can see the task timeline is now longer due to the 2 days on the weekend.

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Hi @Andrea_Mayer . Thanks for the quick reply. But there’s still a few issues with using this feature:

  1. In your pics, only task #2 became “weekend aware” while task #1 did not. This result does not make sense with the expected functionality–I would expect to see both task #1 & #2 extend visually.

  2. Because project schedules are always in flux: If I have tasks which are “weekend aware” that need to be moved to non-weekend dates, the duration of the task does not revert to the original duration.

Ex.: If you move task #2 from your second example back to a M-F duration, it now seems to exist as a 7-day task, rather than a 5-day task. This quirk leads to innacurate task durations and renders the feature unusable. (I also experienced similar quirks depending on whether I dragged task #1 or task #2.)

This is also non-sensical where task duration is the driving factor. An X-working day task should remain that duration regardless of where it’s moved.

  1. Why does a task need to have a dependency in order to become “weekend aware?” This limitation means the feature is not applied consistently across all project tasks–that’s a problem.

Are there usage instructions which I’m missing here? Again, this feature has too many quirks and limitations to be usable in present form.


Can you please just enable not including weekends in the timeline? For me it feels easier to use spreadsheet to be honest than this feature.

at the very least make the weekend a completely different colour! In dark mode it basically looks the same