Hi there,
I was not sure if I should directly post to the Product Feedback Page, but maybe what I want to do is possible already after all.
I love the integration of custom-fields. However, I find that I can only share the same custom fields across projects if I make them available to the company’s library. I want to avoid that tough, as of right now, despite having several hundred users on our companies Asana, only very few custom fields have been shared inside the library and I would quickly flood them with my own personal fields. I also don’t believe that my personal custom fields would be of benefit to the majority of our company. As such, I would much rather have a library of my own personal custom-fields.
I am aware that for other companies that have a set of global/ in-house workflows rather than individuals working on their own projects, this functionality is less useful. However, in our case, where you have a multitude of groups that are entirely independent from each other (e.g. research groups or departments with entirely unrelated settings) , this seems like a must-have and I am surprised I cannot find a way to easily define personal custom fields.
Another, likely related aspect is that when forming a Portfolio consisting of several projects where I have manually set up one specific custom field with the exact same value sets, I cannot select those fields to show up on the Portfolios Task list. I find this insanely counterintuitive. The same applies for the other way around, where a custom-field that was defined in the Portfolios Task list does not get carried over the its associated projects.
So, i there a way to achieve this and I have simply not yet found it or does Asana actually not offer this functionality as of yet?