I am trying to customise ‘My Tasks’ to only show tasks that have had a due date allocated to them, trying to keep ‘My Tasks’ decluttered, as my manager assigns all tasks within a project to staff members at the beginning of a project, and only sets the due dates when necessary (our projects can run over a span of up to 2 years).
I have found a workaround to this, by creating the below ‘Rule’ to the ‘Recently Assigned’ section. However, there appears to be a glitch in this rule where it also unassigns me from the task:
When a task is added to My Tasks
Check if section is ‘Recently Assigned’ AND Due Date is empty
Remove tasks from My Tasks
As I said, this rule works well and the tasks with no due date are removed from ‘My Tasks’ as desired, however it also unassigns me from the task within the project. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi @Bailey_Smith , welcome to the forum .
Unassigning you is expected behaviour since all tasks assigned to you from anywhere in your Asana space must appear in your My Tasks.
Instead of the action to Remove from project, how about use Move to a section, called ‘Unscheduled’ and keep it collapsed at the bottom of your My Tasks?
Or you could use the Group button in your My Tasks (top right area) to group by Due date, instead of using custom sections or such a rule.
If you do as @Richard_Sather suggests, you may also want a rule to promote tasks back to one of your other My Tasks sections when the task is nearing its due date once given one.