(Old) Headlines/Sections cannot be deleted

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: you are not able to delete an empty or filled section in a project that was set up before they introduced easy switching to kanban a couple of days ago.

Steps to reproduce: go into an old project that was setup before you were able to switch to kanban-view. take any section/headline and try to delete/remove it. the delete function is not available, also deleting text and clicking backspace wont work.

Browser version: chrome latest version

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I’m experiencing the same issue

Hi @Gregor_Kalchthaler and @AshleyWright and thank you for reaching out!

You should be able to resolve this issue following the steps outlined in this post: Cannot delete sections that were automatically created upon setup - #2 by lpb

If not, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to assist you further. Looking forward to your reply!


but thats unfortunately no solution…

the problem already existed with the kanban-view but now it is systemwide as you can switch between views. the “solution” to ditch all deleted tasks from a headline to delete it is just a temporary workaround 'cause at least one headline sticks as the “dump”.

Asana pls make sure this bug will be reviewed soon. its extremely important for the user to keep their spaces tidy and to delete old sections that are not in use anymore such as tasks. if not i dont see the logic in this change…

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Hi @Gregor_Kalchthaler! Sorry for the delay in responding!

Sorry about the trouble here. We are currently rolling out an update that allows you to delete Columns even if they contain tasks. This has been gradually rolled out and will be available to everybody in the next couple of days so if you’re not seeing this option in your account just yet, don’t worry it will soon be available to you!

Hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

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cool, thank you :slight_smile: