Number & Formula Comparison Condition

At the moment there aren’t any changes for this planned in the near term by Asana, so I figured we could take it to the community and gather some feedback and votes on the topic, let us know your thoughts and also if you have any loopholes with current Asana rules I am all ears! I was wondering if there is a feature similar to excel formulas where you can create templates in asana that have formula-based rules for example: a graphic should be approved 12 weeks before it’s on-counter date for retailers, and it’s always 12 weeks from the on counter date, is there a way to program this recurring task/auto populate the due date for artwork if you put in the on counter date? thanks, asana community, I appreciate any and all advice!


It would be helpful if formula fields were available to use in rules as triggers and if conditions.

For example, we have a project that tracks tickets submitted via form as tasks. I created a “Days Since Request” formula field that calculates the number of days since the task was submitted. I would like to create a rule that adds an “Assign to provider” subtask if the value of “Days Since Request” is greater than 1 and the task is still in a particular section.

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @ihb :wave:

I have merged your post into am existing feedback request thread. Your vote was transferred as well.

Hi there,

I am developing a Risk Register using an Asana project space (List).

I have added several columns (number) which indicate different metrics associated with a risk (ie. impact, cost, time sensitivity). Let’s call them Columns A, B, C.

Next, I created a column (formula) which performs a calculation using the aforementioned columns as inputs. Let’s call it Column D.

Last, I included a column (single select) which categorizes the risks as Low, Medium, High. Let’s call it Column E.

I would like to add a rule to automate the classification of the risk. For example:

  • if the value in Column D is between 1 and 10, then Column E auto populates as Low.
  • if the value in Column D is between 11 and 20, then Column E auto populates as Medium
  • if the value in Column D is between 21 and 30, then Column E auto populates as High.

I have been playing with the Rule feature to make this desire a reality. However, I cannot use a custom field (formula) as a trigger for the rule.

Is there a solution here, or a possible workaround?


Hi @Brandon_Collier
This is an excellent use case.

If I understood your workflow, you want the outcome of your rule to be Low, Medium or High.

At this point, I do not believe you can build rules based on numbers custom field as an input to the rule.

I believe one work around it could be to flip the coin.
So you create a rule that if the impact is low, then allocate a value of X
if the cost is low, then allocate a value of Y
Then you can create a formula of X*Y or however the formula is.

If you set it like this, you can then go further and create a conditional rule:
If impact is low, and cost is low, risk classification is low, etc… you can build all these conditions can be built into your rule.

These guide links might help:

I think it is worth creating a new post ‘product feedback’ for having numbers custom field trigger a rule.

Hope this helps a bit.

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This would be a great addition - has there been any update of potential releases for this? We are using a new methodology that would add different values to calculate the priority but then there is no way to add further rules from that formula field to finalise the priority assessment.

Hi! This would be an awesome addition to Asana! Or it would be helpful if we could compare two dates by rules instead of “if due date is before solid date
Thank you!

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This would be huge for us in triaging rush requests - being able to calculate the difference between a requested due date an a due date set by an SLA, then running a rule against that calculation to trigger a rush request process would be AMAZING. Right now, we have to do this manually and it can be a pain.

It would be great to have a trigger for ‘When a number/formula field exceeds X amount.’ That would be quite useful!

Technically the trigger is already there, but conditions to compare numerical fields with a static value or with each other could be added.

@Esteban_Giannini FYI this is available in our Flowsana rules; for example:


Flowsana rules! :metal:


@Phil_Seeman - You should sell all your Flowsana rules to Asana so they can be part of the product! You literally have a rule for everything in Flowsana :joy:

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Hi everyone,

I’m excited to share that we are launching a new Number Comparison condition for rules in Asana! This feature offers a flexible approach to comparing numbers across various field types and variables, and is available in our existing plans (Advanced, Enterprise and Enterprise+) as well as our legacy plans (Business and Enterprise).

Key features include:

  • Multiple Operators:

    • Equal to
    • Not equal to
    • Less than
    • Greater than
    • Less than or equal to
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Empty
    • Not empty
  • Supported Values:

    • Number custom fields
    • Outputs from Formula custom fields
    • Static numbers, e.g., “1234”

This condition marks a significant improvement in Asana’s Rules, streamlining the process by allowing one versatile condition to manage diverse numeric comparisons. This simplifies the creation of complex, data-driven automations.


I hope this update helps you achieve the use cases discussed in this thread! :slight_smile: