Bug in Bundles when using number comparison condition

When using the recently launched number comparison condition and use it in the following rule in a project (excluded from a Bundle), it works perfectly fine:

When adding the rule to a Bundle (or generating a Bundle from the project), I get the following error(s):

Note that the ‘% Complete’ field is a formula field containing two rollups (which I thought was the root cause, but it’s not…):

As per the error message, I tried recreating the rule directly in the Bundle, but no luck, same issue.

When I change the (% Complete) formula field to a number field, using eg ‘Weighting’ instead…

…I still get the same errors (in the bundle’s rule):

Therefore, in conclusion, it does not appear to be due to a formula field or rollups - the issue is for any number fields when the number comparison condition is used in a Bundle.

Judging from the error message, is this an already known limitation…? :thinking:
@Forum-team , could you kindly escalate as a critical bug and ask the team if this will be fixed soon?
It’s hurting my bundle building… :cry:


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Hi @Richard_Sather

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ve shared the details with the relevant team and will get back to you as soon as I have an update. For now, it hasn’t been filed as a bug, as we’re awaiting confirmation on whether this behavior is intended / already known.


Hey @Richard_Sather

Quick update, our team has identified the issue and a fix should be deployed shortly!

Thank you for reporting this!


Ah fantastic! Thanks @Julio_V .
Please keep us posted on when it will be deployed. :wink:

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