Formula fields in Rules (When X value and Check if X value)

I am trying to create a rule that sends an alert if a Task is ‘on hold’ for 5 days.

The problem with my current solution is I cannot use an Asana Rule to trigger from the formula field on a specific value. I only have the option for “when changed” and under “Check if” the formula field does not even show.

The formula is subtracting “On Hold Start” with TODAY.

Hi @Thomas_Barton, there is a new condition called ‘Number is…’ where you can leverage your formula field. Try it and let me know!

This one is hard to find because you tend to filter based on the field name :sweat_smile:

I agree, it’s not easily discoverable… :person_shrugging:

oh geez… as I was working on something else, I just realized all ‘numbers’ are inside the “Number is…” option. I had even used this previously too.

Thanks guys!

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Glad you found it @Thomas_Barton !

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