Now introducing Variables in Rules

Hi folks,

I’ve some exciting updates to share. :drum: Later today, we will begin rolling out more options for integrating variables into Rules :drum: Curious to learn more? Continue reading below!

Tasks assignee

Tasks generated from an (org-only) form, can get automatically assigned automatically to their creator (= form submitter). Please note that for this variable to work, you will need the “add form submitter as a collaborator” option turned on.

GiF Assignee

Variables available:

  • Task creator: User who created the task
  • Assignee: User assigned to the trigger task
  • Rule triggerer: User who triggers this rule

Subtasks due dates

Today, you can automatically create a set of subtasks with rules. With this update, you will be able to set a relative due date for these subtasks based on the due date of the triggering task. Please note that only the first layer of subtasks will be supported

Gif Subtasks

Variables available:

  • Trigger time: The time this rule is triggered
  • Start date: The start date of the trigger task
  • Due-date: The due date of the trigger task
  • Creation time: When the trigger task was created

Please note that we’re gradually rolling out this update, if you’re not seeing it today, it will become available to you in the next few days.