Not receiving authentication code on office email I'd but we can get on personal id's

Not getting authentication code on official email ids as we are already registered please help

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @adityarajghatge247 :wave:

Can you please elaborate on which authentication code you refer to? Do you mean you signed up to Asana and do not receive the initial email or is it something else?
Or did you invite somebody and they are not receiving the invitation?
Also, have you checked your spam folder?

Hi Guys,

We have the same issue where we are trying to create the Asana account using our official email addresses but we are not getting the authentication code email :frowning: I also checked the junk folder but nothing is there. May I know what could be the issue ?

Hi @Rizwan_Akbar, welcome to our Community Forum, and sorry for the trouble. Our Support team would be best equipped to assist you with this issue. Please contact them via > scroll down and click the chat bot icon > type in “speak to an agent”. I hope this helps!

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