Non-form submissions as a rule option

When adding a rule to the project, currently I only have the option to select:

  • All tasks ; or
  • Form Submissions

What I would like is to have another option:

  • non-form submissions

Here is why:
Our business is not all in Asana. The form is the main source of intake. But for those who already work within the platform, they can add new tasks to the project directly. I would like to create a certain routing with some rules only to those created within the project.

Hi @Rashad_Issa , I would definitely find this useful (I voted) but until/if it becomes available, could you perhaps have a dedicated section for adding such tasks? That section could be the condition to your rule.

Thanks @Richard_Sather

Wouldnt this new section and rule clash with the one that exists for when new tasks are added to the project?

I now have a rule that when a task is added to this project, it comes to New Request and is marked approval. The rule is done on ‘all tasks’.

Is that rule in place simply to add all form intake tasks to the New requests section? If so, you don’t need this rule anymore because you can now set the ‘landing’ section within the form’s settings.

@Richard_Sather Yes, that is a brilliant setting with forms.
the rule is not about the routing of the task.
It includes marking tasks as approvals and using few custom fields that are used from the form submission to trigger some actions.
If someone is adding a task directly from the project, then these fields are empty, and I want to create a different set of criteria around emails and notifications.

Hey @Rashad_Issa,

FYI this is available in our Flowsana integration rule triggers:


Ok so perhaps you could have one rule act on tasks added to a particular section where tasks are added into from your form. And then have another rule which acts on tasks manually added in another specific section.

You could optionally have a 3rd rule without a section condition that would act on all tasks added to the project, regardless of form or not, such as marking a task as an approval.

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Thanks Richard. I will play with this and see how I get on. Much appreciated.

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I’m a little late to the game, but if you’re not using Flowsana and until Asana adds this, I’ve worked around it by using a rule that targets form submissions only to set a single-select custom field “From form?” to :white_check_mark: so that you can have other rules ask if “From form?” is unset, then that’s how you know it wasn’t added by form.



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