New to Asana: Project Completed

Hello, I’m new to Asana. So my team and I completed a project. Is there a way to archive to project so that I do see it on my Home screen for the active projects?
Thanks in advance!

Hi @James_Meyer welcome to the Forum.

Yes you can archive projects in the top part of the screen where the project name is are the options in there’s you should be able to archive or delete the project…

Here is the guide article with all the details.


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Hi, Jason. Archiving works okay for completed projects. But, is there a way to have a working on, on hold, in review and completed section under team? I think it would help having a clean and clear home screen where you could see what project is where with just a quick glance.

Hi @Amber_Viles a few People have used Dummy Project names to create sections under a team, so you can then order or move around projects.

Hope that helps…


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@Amber_Viles, In addition to @Jason_Woods’ helpful reply, I’ve strategically placed dummy projects (they just have a name and no tasks) to delineate sets of projects.

But I’m a little unclear–it sounds like you’re asking about the Home page > Favorites area, and Jason may have replied about the left sidebar > Teams area.

If you add dummy projects to the left sidebar > Teams area, they won’t affect the home page but can be useful grouping indicators. Sometimes I use a project name of “-----------” just to delineate groupings.

If you add dummy projects to either the Home page > Favorites area or the left sidebar Favorites area, they will show show up in both places and stay in sync. You could use dummy names like this if you wanted:

:pencil2: WORKING
Project 1
Project 2
:warning: HOLD
Project 3
Project 4
:checkered_flag: COMPLETED
Project 5
Project 6

Hope that helps,
